T‑piece for hydrant connection

The robust solution for connecting your hydrant directly to the pipe

The DVGW-certified hydrant connection in T‑piece form is charac­terized by flexi­bility, ease of instal­lation and freedom from corrosion. You can choose between the flange connection or BAIO® or spigot end connection. All variants are also available with REINOGRIP plug-in couplings for even faster instal­lation of the piping system.

Technical data

Technische Zeichnung Hydranten T-Stück

Complete data sheet

Tender text

PE100 hydrant fittings: T‑piece

General prelim­inary remarks

The molded parts to be offered must be made of material in accor­dance with the PE100+ Associ­ation and comply with DIN EN 12201 with regard to dimen­sions, toler­ances and quality require­ments. Proof of production on the basis of a quality assurance system in accor­dance with DIN EN ISO 9001 must be provided. A certificate in accor­dance with DIN EN 10204 must be provided by the manufac­turer for all molded parts. Alter­na­tively, the body of the molded part including the base must be manufac­tured from a single piece of homoge­neous semi-finished material using the injection molding process, even for more complex struc­tures, in order to ensure the required reinforcement and thus high stability of the molded part. Semi-finished products made from winding rod or other subse­quently applied reinforce­ments are not permitted.
The spigot ends must be long in order to be able to carry out both HE butt welding and HW welding.
The flange connec­tions must be designed with the same nominal diameter as DN 80 or DN 100 in accor­dance with DIN EN 1092–1 and have an outwardly reinforced weld seam area designed for the load of the hydrant; DN 80 -> 110 mm outside diameter and DN 100 -> 135 mm outside diameter.
The backing flange is made of corrosion-free, fiber-reinforced plastic, supports the PE collar from the outside and has a disc spring function that maintains the preload after tight­ening the screws.
Optionally available versions: Flange with O‑ring seal, holder for spigot end or Württem­berger system at the outlet

  • Read more

    DIN EN 12201, DIN EN 1092–1, DVS 2207, DVS 2210, DIN EN 10204, DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 50001, DVGW W 400–2, DVGW GW 335


    DVGW: DV-8606BT0423 and DV-8611BT0424

    Inspection certificate 3.1 according to DIN EN ISO 10204 on the semi-finished product of the processed raw material with indication of MFR and OIT; only PE100 material according to PE100+ Association

    Manufac­turer certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 50001:2011

    Reinert-Ritz GmbH or equal

    Perfor­mance specification:
    1. PE100 T‑piece for hydrant connection, reinforced version, with special flange connection (VP flange) of the same nominal diameter with fibre-reinforced backing flange at the outlet, drilled in accor­dance with DIN EN 1092–1, with spring effect for continuous bolt preload, long welding ends for HW welding,

    d1 …
    DN …
    SDR …

    Proof of delivery:

    Reinert-Ritz GmbH
    Ernst-Heinkel-Straße 2
    48531 Nordhorn
    Tel.: +49 5921 8347–0
    Fax: +49 5921 8347–25
    Email: contact@reinert-ritz.com


Hydrant T‑piece

Hydrant program

ReinoGrip product catalog

ReinoGrip brochure

RR product catalog

Molded parts in practice