What you can expect from Reinert-Ritz

Our drive and commitment

We have been an independent family-owned company since our founding. The ability to make our own decisions indepen­dently is important to us. This enables us to remain a reliable, long-term partner for our customers and employees. The owning family’s extensive involvement in the company, the trusting relation­ships between employees as well as the honest and close relationship to our customers charac­terise our company’s culture. Good collab­o­ration is our motivation.

Our roots as an engineering company have shaped our identity. Carefully thinking things through in order to develop unique solutions with unmatched relia­bility is what distin­guishes us. Thinking ahead and seeing the big picture are not just projects for us but rather corner­stones of our values themselves. As a conse­quence, we establish lasting customer relation­ships based upon mutual respect.

Unfor­get­table reliability

Your expec­ta­tions are what drive us. We contribute all of our skill and our decades of experience. Initiative and forethought are the founda­tions for our success and enable us to offer you sophis­ti­cated products and solutions that are tailor-made for you.

For decades, positive feedback from our customers has inspired us to constantly push the bound­aries of what is possible. Above all, the capabil­ities and dimen­sions of the solutions we develop grow from project to project.

The choice of the right material, the right processing technique and the right product design is key to excep­tional product quality. Accord­ingly, we utilise material from the PE100+ Associ­ation, guaran­teeing the highest material quality. We exclu­sively manufacture and process semi-finished products resulting from injection moulding and solid extrusion. In addition, extensive testing of our products at our testing laboratory safeguards their relia­bility and safety.

We support you with the compre­hensive speci­fi­ca­tions for your particular appli­cation to ensure that you receive a solution that you can rely on completely.