Two Awards for Quick-Pig

The successful Quick Pig project on the Isles of Scilly won over two presti­gious award winners.
Gewinner bei der Preisverleihung UKSTT Award
Quick-Pig wins UKSTT Award on October 02, 2024

Together with two other Projectpartners, Glanville Environ­mental Ltd. and South West Water the project wins for the renewal of a rising mains on Tresco, Isles on Scilly the UKSTT Award in the Innov­ative Technology category. 

This award is presented annually by the United Kingdom Society Trenchless Technology (UKSTT) awarded. The U KSTT is a British organi­zation for the promotion of trenchless technologies in the supply and disposal.

Shortly after the UKSTT Award ceremony, Utility Week announced the finalists for the award of the same name. The same successful project team from Tresco and the solution for the pressurized water pipe also impressed the judges here, including Reinert-Ritz in the “Innovation Award- Water” category. 

The winners will be announced on December 03.

Utility Week Awards 2024 Finalisten
Quick-Pig nominated for Utility Week Award

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More Infor­mation

Quick-Pig: Debut in Great Britain 

In the award-winning and nominated project on Tresco, a waste­water rising mains was put into operation 20 years ago. However, the 63 mm waste­water pressure pipe was now only a small trickle and had to be replaced as quickly as possible.

Reinert-Ritz’s project partner, South West Water, in turn commis­sioned Glanville Environ­mental to make the waste­water pressure pipeline functional again and to be able to maintain the pipeline in future with minimal effort.

The necessary civil engineering work and the subse­quent mainte­nance of such rising mains not only tie up capac­ities, but the spatial and struc­tural condi­tions on the small group of islands are cramped and difficult to access for all the necessary vehicles and equipment, and the surrounding area offers little space for major construction work.

Those respon­sible at South West Water and Glanville Environ­mental got to know Reinert-Ritz and Quick-Pig at a trade fair. Both project partners were quickly convinced of the benefits associated with choosing the product.

Quick-Pig von Reinert-Ritz überzeugt durch grabenlosen Einbau und einfacher Wartung auf Tresco, Isles auf Scilly

The simple instal­lation and shaftless instal­lation of Quick-Pig are convincing

Quick-Pig is a pigging station that is easy to install. It is installed as a molded part directly in the pipe trench and therefore takes up very little space. The waste­water pressure pipes can be easily cleaned using the pigging process. A dome is led to just below the top edge of the ground, where the pig can then be used.

The simple instal­lation of the Quick-Pig system required Only two employees and a small excavator are required on Tresco. In addition, planned mainte­nance work can easily be carried out by two skilled workers in less than 15 minutes for each section using pedes­trian access. 

The beneficial innova­tions for the Isles of Scilly’s rising mains also impressed the judges of the UKSST Awards and the Utility Week Awards.